Ooh this ride is over eighty dollars, “yes!” I said to myself. Acceptance clicked, now let me head to pick them up. After driving in circles my phone rings from the rideshare number. ‘Hello.’ ‘Hi, where are you?’ I’m near a white colored house and some blue apartments. Do you see me?’ ‘No, I’m standing by a stop sign’, he replied. After driving for a few more minutes, I find him.
“You can put your bag in the back.” I pop the hatchback for him. As he gets in the car I check to see exactly where we’re headed. Please don’t say Atlanta, Ga because that’s what it looks like on this map! Thank God it was near Athens, Ga instead. Whew! Yes, I despised Atlanta traffic.
Making our way through Augusta, Ga and driving on I-20 West for about an hour. Our exit is coming up shortly and we get on a back, country road. This is great, not much traffic at all.
We briefly get back on the highway and my chest is feeling heavy. What’s wrong with me, I ask myself, in my head. Let me drop this man off at his destination. After I drop him off, I stop and get some gas and food before heading back home.
Sitting in the car for a few minutes it hits me, it was the sign that read I-85 Greenville. This is where my life was turned upside down. Have you ever walked through fire? Me neither, but it sure felt like it.
I made the drive back home and had time to think and process my feelings. First I had to acknowledge that I was still traumatized by what happened to me in Greenville. And then I had to focus on the fact that yes I did make it home and that I was safe.
From then on I knew that I couldn't brush it under the rug. I had to deal with what happened and overcome it. And the Lord tells us in his word, Revelation 12:11 KJV and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. By Gods grace I have overcome!
BY : Deborah Jefferson
AKA Deborah J